Thousands of people across North Carolina sustain fatal injuries each year. These injuries can give rise to claims for "wrongful death." These claims include automobile accidents, truck accidents, work-related injuries, product failures, and medical malpractice.
North Carolina law provides that the Estate of a person whose death is caused by the negligence of another person can file a claim and a lawsuit for "wrongful death." The damages in such wrongful death lawsuits include the loss of income to various surviving family members, funeral expenses, and the loss of society and affection to these family members (defined by statute).
The loss of a family member is a tremendous loss, and cannot be compensated for with a monetary settlement. A wrongful death claim can, however, sometimes help to bring closure, and it can help the surviving family members deal with the financial hardship which often follows in the wake of a wrongful death.
John Kirby has represented clients in numerous claims for wrongful death, representing both the Estate and also the insurance companies.